Retail Window Display Ideas for Spring

It’s always a good plan to have new retail window display ideas in the hopper so you can plan ahead, gather your props and be prepared when it’s time to change the display. Spring is a’ coming and it’ll soon be time to update the window displays so let’s go over a couple more window display ideas.

Let me tell you right now: clear fishing line will figure prominently in these window displays. I love this stuff! Ideal for hanging props or merchandise as focal points without the distraction of visible string, ribbon or rope.

Simple Spring – A simple and inexpensive way to draw attention to your spring-like window display is simply to hang accordion-fold tissue paper flowers or paper fans from the ceiling or top of the window frame, like in the window at Tomte Modern Craft. So easy! This doesn’t necessarily need to be a “theme” window; it is just an easy way to draw the eye as people are passing by. The free-floating flowers and fans get attention so of course folks will look in the window where your merchandise is neatly displayed. You can likely find paper fans, flowers and Japanese lanterns at any dollar store or party supply store.

Free Bird – Vintage style birdcages are attractive and have a fun, funky feel to them, especially if you spray paint them in a color that pops. Take a look at this window display from Slimline Warehouse. I love the way they made the birdcages the draw but then placed jewelry displays inside the cages, causing people to look more closely. Beautiful! These cages can be hung with fishing line from the ceiling or placed right on display tables in the window or on the selling floor. Do not, however, use live birds in your displays! Not only is it extremely stressful for the birds, but the accompanying poop and feathers are not appealing props. Birdcages aren’t just for jewelry displays, either. Other small merchandise can be suspended inside the cage with fishing line, giving a free-floating appearance. You can find these types of birdcages in thrift stores, garage sales and stores like Pier 1 and World Market.

What spring theme retail window displays have you used? We at Specialty Store Services would love to hear your ideas!

Spruce Up Your Retail Store

Okay, so we’ve got the window displays popping and the staff smiling, ready to welcome the swarm of warm weather customers coming your way. But now let’s deal with the aftermath of the cold weather customers. I’m afraid that I have to mention something that strikes fear (or at least dismay) into the hearts of most folks: spring cleaning. Yes, it’s a dirty job but someone’s gotta do it. We’ve already covered cleaning to a lesser extent in “What Is Your Store Saying?” but it’s time to get down with the dirt.

Here is an interesting tidbit for you: spring cleaning is a phrase from the days when people used coal to heat their homes and oil lamps to light it up. After a season of closed windows, the walls and pretty much everything else were covered in soot and general ickiness so a good cleaning was needed once warmer weather arrived and the windows could remain open to let out the stale air and let in the fresh. Although we don’t use coal for heating any more, rooms get stuffy and dusty from being closed up during cold weather. Also, spring cleaning is a great way to give a little face lift to your store without investing in new flooring or a paint job!

Subjecting your floor to wet, muddy boots for months at a time can really take a toll on your flooring and give it a shabby look. You might want to invest in a good floor cleaner so you can clean and freshen up your floor a few times a year. Rather than buying a separate shampooer and a buffer, some machines can deep clean carpeting, scrub hard floors, and buff and clean hardwood, ceramic and marble. Neat, huh? If you only have carpeting then it’s a good idea to invest in a steam cleaner; those things can work wonders. This steam-vac carpet cleaner does not require faucet hook-up, just fill the tank with hot water and pre-measured detergent. Super easy! Of course you’ll also want to keep a vacuum and/or sweeper on hand for daily clean ups. Wait till you see how terrific the freshly cleaned floor looks after you’ve gotten used to seeing it all dingy and winterish, especially when the sunlight streams in through your clean windows.

Come on, let’s clean those windows inside and out to let that sunshine in! It is amazing how much better a bright, sunny room can look. You do not have to freshly repaint the entire store to make it look sparkling new. I have three words for you: clean, clean, clean! Yes, it’s actually one word but one word that will make a huge difference in the appearance of any store. When we see the same areas day after day, little scuffs and patches of dirt just become part of the scenery that we don’t notice…but your customers will! So, scrub-a-dub! Don’t forget to dust the tops of door frames, shelves, fixtures, pictures and moldings first; dusting last will just get dust all over everything you just cleaned. Add a gentle yet effective cleaner (we don’t want to scrub the paint off the walls) to your bucket of warm water and attack those walls, fixtures, shelves and counters with a sponge or lint-free cloth. We’re giving this store a once-over to make it ready for the busy upcoming season so let’s put our backs into it and move furniture, fixtures, racks and shelving rather than cleaning around them. Wait until you see the difference a good cleaning can make!

Okay, the inside it ready to go. What about the outside? You’ve cleaned the outside of your windows and doors so that’s covered but what about your sidewalk and parking area? Make sure you pick up any trash, glass and dead leaves lurking around and sweep that sidewalk. The outside of your store should be a reflection of what folks will find on the inside so make sure it’s clean and inviting so that people will even want to walk through your door.

Now, if you’ve incorporated everything from the last several blogs you should have colorful, eye-catching signage, organized shelves and racks, attention-grabbing window displays and a sparkling clean store. Bring on the shoppers!