Good Service equals Happy Customers

While I was on vacation I walked into a small boutique and was completely ignored. I was shocked that she did not even say hello or acknowledge that I was in the store.  As I walked around and touched the merchandise she never once ask if I was looking for anything in particular, and just kept on doing what she was doing and never once looked up.  I was shocked at the lack of service she was giving and couldn’t wait to leave. I was very disappointed because she had great merchandise and I would’ve bought something had she been more engaging.  
No matter if you are the owner or the employee it is important for you to make your customers feel welcome and comfortable.  When you have guests at your home you don’t let them just walk around you make them comfortable offer a drink or a place to sit and make conversation. Wouldn’t you do the same for your customers?  
Service is simple and very important.  Service encompasses attitude, efficiency, knowledge and availability. Customers want to shop in a place that is inviting and where they feel valued. Customers have options so why not give them what they are looking for cause they are spending precious time and money.  Employees should be well trained, courteous, attentive, helpful, friendly and efficient.  Remember a customer is willing to overlook imperfections if they are given the service that they want. Here at Specialty Store Service we believe a smile, small conversation and attentiveness is what keeps our customers happy.
Good Service= A Happy Customer.