Pop-up Shops

We’ve all passed by empty storefronts or offices, wondering what business will be opening up next. With the economy in its current state many people are hesitant to start a new venture or expand their current business, which leaves these stores empty and landlords eager for some sort of income. Enter Pop-up Shops.

As defined on Wikipedia, a “pop-up retail space is a venue that is temporary — the space could be a sample sale one day and host a private cocktail party the next evening. The trend involves “popping-up” one day, then disappearing anywhere from one day to several weeks later. These stores, while small and temporary, can build up interest by consumer exposure. Pop-up retail allows a company to create a unique environment that engages their customers, as well as generates a feeling of relevance and interactivity. They are often used by marketers for seasonal items such as Halloween costumes, holiday gifts and Christmas trees, or fireworks.” Pop-up shops can also be used as an opportunity to test a brand or market without committing to opening a permanent shop. Department stores are known to open pop-up shops to generate buzz about designers or to focus on several new items each week. Some online stores will also open up these temporary stores to unload overstock. Many landlords are now willing to negotiate short term leases in an effort to generate some revenue so obtaining a temporary space is easier than ever. Sound good to you? If you think that you might want to test out a market or idea let’s think about what you’ll need to open up a pop-up shop.

First of all, you’ll need displays and fixtures that are quick and easy to set up and knock down. Slatgrid and grid panels answer that need. Grid panels can be assembled into multiple configurations to meet your display requirements and can also be easily attached to walls with wall brackets for a more (semi)permanent display. Attach peg hooks, shelves, hang rails, faceouts, waterfalls and/or baskets and you’ve got everything you need to display a wide variety of different items. Install some casters and you can scoot the displays all around the store to change the floorplan. Keep in mind that slatwall accessories also work on slatgrid so if you’ve already got slatwall, you’re all set. Grid panels can also be purchased preconfigured in various ways such as quads, H displays or simple impulse displays if you don’t want to bother coming up with your own arrangement.

If you are looking for quick and easy garment racks then the heavy duty folding rack and professional Z rack may be just the ticket. The heavy duty folding rack is available in single and double rail and the casters also make it easy to rearrange the floorplan. The folding Z rack also sturdy and mobile and has the option to add another rail as well as a bottom shelf for more display space. Single rail garment racks are a good idea if you don’t plan on rearranging the floorplan during your stay in the store. Don’t forget your sturdy folding hand trucks to help you move merchandise in and out of the shop.

Well, we’ve touched on items you’ll need to display your merchandise but before you get going, don’t forget to publicize your pop-up shop! Send out an email blast on Constant Contact, post on FaceBook and tweet away on Twitter. If you want to print out invitations or advertisements, remember to keep the color scheme and font simple (think Arial or Times New Roman) and wording to a minimum. Don’t forget to order a banner for your pop-up shop so people know that you’ve come to visit for a while. Good luck and let me know if you’ve decided to “pop up” anywhere!