Organizing for Easy Shopping

Not all of us are gifted with organization skills. Sure, some of us have our own brand of “organized”. We can tell you what’s in each mountainous stack of paper on our desk or direct you to the calculator (which we last saw in the closet… or maybe on the shoe rack) but do your customers want to search and guess while shopping? That’s a big “No!” They don’t want to work for their purchase and so are more likely to revisit your store if their shopping experience is made easy for them.
If someone is dashing in on their lunch break or running errands in between chauffeuring the kids from Point A to Point B, they don’t have the time to sift through items to find what they need. Be sure to walk through the store periodically to straighten shelves, untangle hangers and put misplaced product back where it belongs. When straightening clothing racks make sure that the clothes are all sorted sequentially by size so your customers can locate, grab and go.

You can also help make the shopping experience easier by grouping together items that are commonly purchased together. For instance, if you are selling cell phones, it would be a good idea to have the phone protective covers on display near the appropriate phones rather than having all the covers displayed together on one rack. This way the customer won’t have to search the rack for the cover that will fit their phone. Think about what your customers purchase together and see if you can group items without interrupting the flow of your store or creating multiple displays for the same item. You get the idea.

We all enjoy a challenge (to a certain extent) but most of us don’t care for running obstacle courses while running errands. Are your aisles clear of boxes or do customers need to sidestep around your incoming shipment or stocker? Stocking is absolutely necessary, of course, but it’s best to do your stocking during the slower part of your day, or even before or after hours of operation. If you do need to restock or accept deliveries during business hours, just remember to keep things orderly. Think about using a work cart to keep boxes off the floor to minimize tripping hazards. A cart with a large work space and supply drawer can keep you organized and mobile while stocking.

And make sure your customers are still getting the service and attention they need even when you or your staff are busy restocking! But that’s a blog for another day.