Mother’s Day Sale Signage

The day honoring Mom is coming. The woman who tucked us in at night, kissed our owies, grounded us just because she didn’t like how the dog looked after he was shaved and colored in with marker. She may not have an artistic bone in her body, but she’s Mom. And people are going to be crawling out of the woodwork to purchase her yearly “Thanks for not strangling me when I was a mouthy teenager” gift. You’ve probably got all your sale ideas in place but make sure people know that you’re even having a sale.
A beautiful sign in your window will draw attention, remind people that Mom’s day is coming and get them in the store to take advantage of your fantastic sale. Your Mother’s Day Sale sign will be shipped out the day after you order so it will be hanging in your window in no time. You can see our sale sign above and, as you can see, I wasn’t lying when I said it was beautiful.
Have a great sale! And give Mom a hug for me.

Indoor Signage to Snag Sales

Okay, so you’ve got potential customers in your door. Now what? Where would you like them to go and what do you want them to purchase in particular?

Direct buyers to your sale or featured product racks with an attractive Acrylic Sign Holder with Chrome Base placed on top of your display shelf or rack shelf. A satisfied customer says it is “even better than pictured”. You can choose Printable Fluorescent Card Signs to print your own signs on your printer and place in the sign holder. These cards come in rainbow packs with 25 sheets each of red, yellow, green and magenta that really pop! As endearing as the home made sign created by your 9 year old daughter may be, you’ll want to make sure your sign conveys a professional look so printing them on your personal printer is a good idea. Remember to use a large font and keep the wording to a minimum to attract and keep your customer’s attention. If you don’t have a printer you can always take your computer file to a print shop. Or you can choose from a variety of eye-catching preprinted signs such as a “Sale” sign in brilliant red with white print.

The Freestanding Sign Holder is another good way to convey your store’s news to your customers. At 22”x28” and 56 ½” tall and chrome plated, it is sure to garner some attention. Pop in a Custom Sign in attractive, contrasting colors which not only communicate your message but your choice of colors and artwork will convey the tone of your store. Or choose a preprinted “Sale” or “Clearance” 22″x28″ sign if that’s all you need to say. Creative placement of this sign holder can draw people into your store, relate sale information while they are shopping or let them know about up-coming in-store promotions or contests while they are waiting in line. Make sure the sign does not block displays, traffic flow or the interior view of your store if placed in a window or door. Take a look at your store with fresh eyes to see what your customers see. Is the sign informative but to the point? If placed in the window, can you see the sign with sunlight reflecting off the window?

Get creative! Hang signs from the ceiling with a Chain Kit. Having a huge sale? Use a Blow-Out or Sale Sign Kit that includes 22 different pieces in bright red/yellow. Use your imagination and you’ll see that quality signage and proper placement can make a big impact on your sales. Have fun and happy selling!

3 Second Marketing: Sidewalk Signs

Quick, read fast! You have about 3 seconds to capture a potential customer’s attention as they walk or drive by your store! How are you going to get their attention? Well, an eye-catching sign on the sidewalk or in the window is a great start.

A sidewalk sign needs to be big enough to get the attention of drivers but also concise enough for them to read as they are whizzing by. As our teachers told us in school, keep it simple. Just give enough information to make customers eager to enter your store and you can provide the details once they are inside. The XL Springer Sidewalk Sign is a good option to attract the attention of potential customers. It is large enough to announce “Sale” or “Special” with 10” high headers but compact enough that it will not cause sidewalk gridlock. The XL Springer Sidewalk Sign also includes 289 large 5” letters, numbers and symbols so you can change your sign daily. The strong contrast of the black/red letters and white board makes the sign very easy to read.

If you are feeling creative and would like to announce your information in freehand style then the Double-Sided Write on/Wipe Off Sidewalk sign may be the one for you. It’s great for indoor/outdoor use and is foldable for easy portability and storage. If you are fortunate enough to have someone in your employ with beautiful handwriting and an artistic flair then creating an original, changeable sign can be a creative way to draw attention. Remember to keep your color scheme simple and not to add too many distracting artistic details; you want to get your customers’ attention, not lose it by making the sign too busy to read in just a few seconds. Also keep in mind that the sign does still need to be attractive and be more than just simply legible. I, myself, have the writing and artistic talent of an over-caffeinated 5 year old so a custom banner or pre-printed sign would be my best option.

Don’t miss the next blog when I expound on the benefits of custom and pre-printed banners for those of us artistically challenged.