Off-site Event Signage and Marketing

I was at a music festival recently, got a little peckish and decided to get some food from the vendors set up at the fest. The vendors were varied in the way they promoted, or did not promote, their wares.

Many of the food vendors had large, professionally done signs stating their restaurant’s name and printed posterboard menus. Most of the remaining food vendors had handwritten posterboard menus but no business information posted. What surprised me most was the fact that a few of the vendors has no signage at all! Not a menu board, nothing; they just relied on people wandering up to their stand, looking at the food and (hopefully) ordering.

So, which vendors do you think had the lines of people waiting for their food? Yep, the vendors with restaurant signs and menu boards, followed closely by the vendors with simple hand-written menus. Now, I’m not saying that you need to spend big bucks on professional signage but, for Pete’s sake, handwritten signage is better than nothing! If you don’t do off-site events very often and want to save money by making your own signs that is perfectly fine, just make sure that they are neat, legible and only feature 2 colors at most. A couple of the signs I saw were apparently done by a younger person who tried to jazz them up by making every other word or letter a different color. All that does is distract and annoy people just trying to read a simple menu so simplicity is key. If you’d like to have a sign you can change and reuse then you may want to get a write on/wipe off sign. This double-sided sign will be perfect for use at off-site events and also out on the sidewalk in front of your store.

Some of the food I purchased was from a sign-less booth, simply because there were some ethnic dishes that I never tried before. I also purchased food from a vendor with full signage. The food from both booths was delicious but unfortunately, I cannot go to the tasty ethnic restaurant. Because I don’t know the name or where it is located.

Moral of the story? Don’t be shy, promote yourself! Now, this doesn’t just apply to restaurants. Any business that is presenting itself also needs to promote itself. Let people know who you are and where they can find you after the event is over. A weekend festival may bring in some extra cash for you but appropriate signage (and cheerful, helpful employees!) will bring in future business, as well.

LED Signage

A light can be a beacon in a window. Light gets our attention and draws the eye. So it makes sense to have lighted signage to get your customers’ attention, no? When choosing your lighted signage, you will want to take LED signs into consideration. LED lights are fantastic! They are long lasting, inexpensive to operate, super bright, safer and sturdier than neon lights and they don’t get hot so you can leave them on 24/7 if you want to.

The Multi-Color LED Single Line Message Display and Multi-Color LED Double Line Message Display are very effective in getting your message across. Just program your message with the handheld remote keyboard to let people know what you’ve got going on in your store. This display boasts yellow/gold, red and green lights that can be meshed into a multi-color rainbow message. These message displays have 25 display options, 8 available fonts, multi-motion speeds, and can display international characters as well as time, date and temperature. And the display is password protected so no jokesters can mess with your message! This sign can also help you save on marketing expenses, too, because you can just change your message at will rather than having to make up a new sign every time your specials or sales change.

If you are not currently in the market for a Message Display then you may want to consider some appealing non-moving LED signs. An attractive, brilliantly lit LED “Open” sign will let customers know when they can pop into your store. If they stop by when you are closed, just inform them of the hours with this lighted LED “Open” sign with static cling numbers so you can post your hours of operation. One of its notable features is that the hours will stay lit even when the open sign is turned off!

Have an ATM? Let everyone know with a nifty LED “ATM” sign. Own a pet supply store? A cute LED “Open” sign in the shape of a bone will be sure to generate some smiles and sales. There are so many LED signs to choose from! Check them out and see which ones will work for your business.

Retail Merchandising 101

We have a new showroom here at Specialty Stores. The other day I went in to it and took a look around. There is gleaming bamboo floors, a wall color that was pleasing to the eye and a series of suspended black grid panels that hang above the showroom floor and give the space a modern appearance. We have some displays out on the floor and shelving on the walls. The problem is there is nothing displayed on them. There was even a female mannequin hiding naked behind a slatwall display.

The room had very little in terms of styling: it was empty, a blank slate. I could imagine a new store owner in the same situation: what do you do to make your product look nice and attractive to the customer? I imagined myself as a customer coming in though the front door of the showroom, was I impressed? To be honest I was not. The sales floor was crowded, there was nothing that attracted my eye(except the naked mannequin) and on top of it all there was no product on the displays or shelves as I had said before. So to start I rearranged the what was on display, clearing path so that the first thing the customer sees when the enter the showroom is our great looking maple showcase display. I raided the photo studio for clothes to hang on the clothing racks and I put a dress on the mannequin and moved it to where it could be seen by customers. And do you know what happened? The mannequin sold two days later and customer asked what was different in the showroom. And this is just the start and I will keep you updated on my progress.

As retailers you have to be always conscious of what your customer sees when they enter your business: what kind of impression do you want to make? What is the “item” you want to promote and sell? The top retailers spend thousands of dollars on designers to make their stores work and by that I mean sell. As an independent business owners we do not have the money to hire fancy designers, but as long as we keep our attention on the customer experience, we can be just as successful. A store is not just a random conglomeration of merchandise; a store is a sensual experience and by that I mean pleasing to the senses. Use color, such as retail signage, to attract the eye, use risers to create interesting displays, and most important keep your business clean and neat.

Specialty Store Services has thousands of items to help you make your stores work for you. Our phone reps can suggest new merchandising ideas for you new or existing project.