Effective Retail Store Lighting

Have you ever walked into a store and it just seemed kind of…meh? The displays are nice, the staff is friendly and the product is good but the store still seems to be lacking? Well, what kind of lighting did it have? Was it dim, was it too bright, were spotlights used ineffectively? We need to remind ourselves every now and then that sometimes just having sufficient lighting in order to see the merchandise isn’t enough.

In the spotlight. It is important to remember the different between spotlights and floodlights. Spotlights focus on a limited area whereas floodlights light up a large, expanded area. Using floodlights will flood the entire floorspace with light and if everything is highlighted then nothing stands out. We want to utilize spotlights to create a contrast in lighting and to draw attention to featured items and to create focal points, such as highlighting displays that showcase higher profit margin items. Spotlights will naturally draw the eye so also use them on wall displays, near the checkout counter and at the front of the store.

In the mood… For shopping, of course! Lighting can really set the tone of your store and the displays therein. Colored lights can help convey a mood within a store and a customer that makes an emotional connection may be more likely to make a purchase. For instance, you can use a blue-ish light on your sparkly winter displays or a reddish light on Valentine’s Day displays to suggest the appropriate mood. Colored LED rope lights around display windows can convey a festive mood while also drawing attention to the storefront.

On the shelf. Small spotlights and LED light strips can do wonders to draw attention to merchandise in a showcase. LED strip lights, for instance, can be quickly mounted to the inside of a showcase with mounting clips or adhesive strips and these little lights are very bright. Many showcases, including these large floor model lighted tower showcases and smaller countertop showcases, come equipped with halogen mini-spotlights

Practice safe shopping. Create a safe environment for your customers with outdoor lighting at the storefront and in the parking lot. A well lit area outside the entryway will help prevent trips and falls. A brightly lit parking area will make customers feel more safe and people are more likely to shop in areas where they feel secure.

What other ideas can you come up with to make lighting more effecting? Using strobe lights to showcase some fun displays? Ensuring that there is flattering lighting in the dressing rooms? Take a look around your store. Maybe you’ll come up with some ideas to make the lighting a little more effective and creative.