Gumball Machines are Good Profit Makers

Profit makers, also known simply as gumball machines, truly do live up to their names. The machines pay for themselves, last for years and will keep on generating profit as long as they are stocked with gum, candy or toys. And believe me, these treats aren’t tempting to just kids!

Most of us are used to seeing profit makers near the doorways of supermarkets, big box stores and Laundromats but what’s to stop people from employing them in any place of business? I recall being in an office environment – I think it may have been an insurance office – and thrilled that I was able to munch on peanut M&Ms from a bulk vend machine while my growling stomach and I waited for the agent. Retail stores or businesses leery of having sticky gum and melty chocolate near the merchandise or furniture can offer customers some refreshing Polar Mints or Sour Sweet Candy in bulk vend machines instead. Peckish customers = profit.

Yes, I said profit. For instance, the net profit on one carton of 1” gumballs vended at 25 cents each is $182.55 (not including tax and shipping). The cost of a single gumball machine with stand is $99.98. So, that first carton of gumballs will pay for the machine and net you a profit of $82.57. Not too shabby. Machines can vend 1″ gumballs/capsules or 2″ gumballs/capsules or bulk vend candies but if you’d like to offer a combination of product, simply combine different machines on a double, triple or quad stand. Imagine the profits generated by multiple profit maker machines!

As implied above, gumball machines aren’t just for gumballs. In addition to 1” and ½” gumballs, these profit makers can also vend 1” and 2” capsules with toys (which I cannot pass up!), 1” and 2” bounce balls (which my cats cannot live without so I’m always hitting those machines) or bulk candy like M&Ms, Skittles, Mike & Ike and other small vend candies. If vending gumballs, why not offer customers the chance to win a small prize by mixing in some gumballs imprinted with “winner”? People love a contest and will certainly try multiple times to win. The winner can claim their prize before popping the gumball in their mouth.

Gumball machines can be fun in addition to profitable. Take the Giant Spiral Gumball Machine, for instance. This 54” high attention-getter holds up to 1,000 gumballs and releases the gumballs down a long winding ramp, which kids just love to watch. But why just watch when you can play? The Pinball Gumball Machine is a fun interactive game with real pinball flippers and is played with gumballs instead of a metal ball. Players have the chance to win up to 3 gumballs and even when they lose, they win; the gumballs are dispensed at the end of the game!

So, really, there is something for everyone when it comes to profit makers; the customers get treats and toys while the merchant makes a profit. Win-win!