Impulse Purchases: Pump up the Volume!

Pump up the volume of impulse items you sell, that is. We covered the yummy goodness of chocolate and candy impulse items last week but now let’s explore some impulse sale techniques.

Make the impulsive human nature work for you. Customers standing in line waiting to check out have already made the decision to purchase something, so initiating another small purchase just requires a little nudge to the impulsive human nature. Many of us have that little voice in our head that says “I’m already checking out and that item is interesting/necessary/cute so what is a few more dollars?” The trick is to offer your customers small, inexpensive items at or near the checkout counter. Make sure your impulse items are inexpensive, ideally under $10 but even $1 items can really add up. Imagine how much extra revenue you could generate if nearly every customer spontaneously purchased a $1 pack of gum or travel-size hand sanitizer.

Make the impulse items small so they “blend in” with your customers’ purchases. A larger item may stick out and make them second guess their impulse purchase but a smaller item tossed onto the counter or into the basket will easily blend in so the customer won’t be phased out. So make the point of sale items small and easy to grab if one’s hands are full, such as funny sticky notes, sample sized toiletries, gummy bracelets or hair accessories. Also, think about your target audience; what would most appeal to the customers who shop in your particular store?

Finally, display your impulse sale items in attractive and easily accessible containers and display racks. Countertop displays can be attractive and do not take up much valuable counter space. If you have room next to your registers then you may want to consider a larger floor display that can hold a wide variety of items. There are many display options including wood baskets, mesh baskets, plastic jars, acrylic jars and peghook displays so take a look at around and think about what would complement your decor and best showcase the impulse merchandise you offer.
Little things can mean a lot, namely extra cash in your register, so don’t underestimate the effect of point of sale items on the impulsive human nature.