Disc Repair System Pays for Itself

Even in this age of on-demand movies and downloadable music, we still love our discs, those little spheres of escape and entertainment. We’ve lovingly compiled a library of tunes, games and movies that we can turn to in times of stress, boredom, excitement and joy so it’s frustrating when one of our little friends goes down for the count.

Something that can bring a disc back from the brink of the dumpster is a good disc repair system, like the JFJ Easy-Pro Disc Repair System. A simple one-step operation buffs out light scratches and fingerprints and takes care of that pesky skipping while a multi-step process can fix up more heavily scratched discs. This is a great system for movie and game rental stores and libraries as well as personal use. The disc repair system also works on Blu-ray discs, CD-roms, Gamecube, PS2, PS3, Wii and XBOX games so fire it up and get to work saving your entire collection! No need to discard those damaged discs and spend the money to replace them.

The disc repair system does not require water to operate so no need to fool with dirty water, hoses and that whole soggy mess. DVD and CD cleaning supplies and buffing pads are included with the disc repair system so you’re ready to roll from the time you unpack the box. Ordering additional cleaning and buffing supplies is quick and easy so you won’t have to deal with a lengthy down-time if you run out. Most repairs are done in 1-2 minutes and at 15 to 20 cents per repair, it’s quite an economical system. Disc repair and cleaning is also a service you can offer to customers and just think of how grateful they will be when you save their favorite music disc or game!

So, what are you waiting for? Your disc collection and customers are depending on you!

What You Need to Know About DVD Disc Repair

Restore valuable CD-ROMs, DVDs, or Game Discs. It’s easy and well worth the effort!
Most people think that when a Compact Disc or DVDs gets scratched, it is ruined forever. This could not be further from the truth. Scratches on the surface of your discs can create problems, but most can be repaired.
The way a CD or DVD player works is a laser beam is sent through the plastic layer of the disc and reads the data written on the disc. When the laser in your player comes across a scratch, the scratch causes the laser to skip and makes it unable to read your disc. The best example of this is on a music CD, when you hear the skipping sound, the laser is stuck reflecting in a scratch. With a CD-ROM, game disc or DVD, the program will freeze momentarily or it will completely stop.

Most scratches can be repaired, but it is important to understand what kinds of scratches are repairable and how compact discs are made. Where the scratch is determines if the disc can be repaired. The worst kinds of scratches are those that happen to the graphic layer of the disc. This is where the data is written and once it is scratched, this data can’t be replaced. Disc manufacturers take no precautions to help protect the graphic layer. However, there are ways to protect this side of the disc. One of the best ways is to use disc protection labels , which are easily applied to the graphic side of the disc. They will protect the graphic layer from any damage and should be used on all disc media.

When a disc is scratched on the bottom side, the disc is usually repairable. The bottom of the disc is made of polycarbonate plastic. The laser reads through this layer to get the data. If the bottom layer is scratched, it can be resurfaced and repolished and will, in most cases, look and play like new. The Venmill disc repair machine is the best machine for this type of scratch. In 30 seconds the Venmill disc repair machine makes damaged discs look like new. Specialty Store Services carries a wide array of disc repair systems for every budget and use.

A great way to see if your discs can or cannot be repaired is to hold your disc up to any light source with the label side facing the light. If you can see light coming through, nicks or scratches, this disc is scratched on the label side and cannot be repaired. Knowing when a disc is repairable is very important before you attempt to resurface any media.

To keep discs in optimal condition follow these tips:

  • Hold discs by the edges. Do not touch the area on the bottom side of the disc.
  • Remove any dust or fingerprints on disc using a disc cleaning system. Specialty Store Services has a wide selection of disc cleaning systems and supplies.
  • Keep discs away from heat
  • Use only approved cleaning solutions to clean a disc. Specialty Store Services has a great selection of approved disc cleaning solutions
  • Do not bend or drop disc. Protect your discs with cases and sleeves. Specialty Store Services has the best selection of media cases and sleeves for DVD, CDs, and games.

The benefits of disc repair are many, but the most important benefit is that used discs are worth money. Buying and selling used video games and DVDs is a very profitable business. Retailers have made thousands of dollars just from buying damaged discs, repairing them and selling them for twice or three times as what they paid for them. Let your customers know you buy-sell-trade used games and DVDs with our great looking, attention getting store signs .