Retail Store Curb Appeal

So, in an earlier blog we talked about the importance of the outside of one’s store. The outside has to look presentable because a dirty exterior could deter potential customers from stepping through the door, right?

Here’s a little something to help keep the outside of your store a little cleaner: a smokers Ceasefire Cigarette Receptacle. When smokers are done with their cigarettes and there is no place for them to dispose of them, the cigarette butts just may end up on the sidewalk. With the cigarette receptacle, you will give smokers the option to dispose of their cigarette butts while keeping your sidewalk and gutter clean! There are several styles of cigarette receptacles to choose from so you are sure to find one that will complement the outside of your store.

Another way to make the outside of your store more appealing is to offer a comfy bench or other seating area for weary shoppers to sit down and rest their tired tootsies for a few minutes. Taking a little rest outside of your business gives folks a chance to look inside your windows and when they see something that interests them, they just may walk their rested and refreshed selves right through your door.