New Store Security Mini Catalog

The new Store Security mini catalog is now being sent out with every order. In it there is Specialty Store Services complete line of do-it-yourself security systems and security cameras. Our systems are easy to install and set up. We have also included our line of safes, cash counters and our ever popular cash drop boxes. If you would like to receive one of our new Store Security mini catalogs please call us and we will send one out to you.

In the meantime you can click here to browse Specialty Store Services complete line of store security items on their website.

New (sort of) Security Catalog

We are putting the finishing touches on a small security/cash handling catalog. It will feature our customer favorites in those catagories. I think the benefit of a smaller catalog is that in a bigger catalog sometimes it is easy to overlook categories, especially in our media/video retailing catalog. We have a great line up of security and cash handling products that can help business and others protect themselves and thier investments. Items such as currency counters, video security systems, safes, cash drops, security mirrors and door chimes. Don’t look for it in your mailbox, this catalog will be sent to our customers as a box stuffer with every order we send out.

There always is a discussion around here about the impact of box stuffers. I know when I get my credit card bills there are always “extra” items in there selling stuff like ceramic figurines to term life insurance. I guess it works or they would not do it, right?

One new item that is not making it into this security/cash handling catalog is a complete Point of Sale(P.O.S.) system. It is pretty sweet in that all you have to do is plug it in and start using it. Most times systems like this are not sold together; where the hardware and software are sold separatly. The best thing about the system is that it electronically keeps tabs on all your inventory and sales.