Shopping Basket Placement in Retail Stores

Shopping Baskets are an excellent customer convenience. I am always pleased when I enter a store and find those handy shopping baskets right near the door. But I’m overjoyed when I also find them elsewhere in the store, right when I need one, since my trip to purchase one item in particular always turns into a shopping extravaganza. The question is: where else should shopping baskets be located?

Well, the answer depends on your particular business and store layout. A great way to figure out where to place shopping baskets is to conduct an experiment with different colored baskets.

For instance, place red baskets near the front door, green baskets near a fast moving product, yellow near high profit margin items and so on. Throughout the day, keep track of what color baskets are being brought up to the sales counter. If you are not getting many yellow baskets back then try moving those to another location. By testing various locations and counting the basket colors when they return to the register, your customers will tell you where they prefer the shopping baskets. Shopping baskets are available in standard and jumbo sizes and can be purchased in all one color or in a rainbow assortment.

Something else to keep in mind is whether to offer customers rolling shopping baskets in addition to the handled shopping baskets. Rolling shopping baskets are ideal for stores frequented by older shoppers and for heavier merchandise. The stackable roller baskets feature carry handles and a long handle for pulling the basket. Two swivel and two rigid casters make the roller baskets easy to maneuver.

Remember, having shopping baskets available throughout the store will encourage impulse shopping since it is easier just to pop another item into the basket rather than juggle it with other items. Trust me, I know.

For more information on shopping baskets and 1000’s of other items, please visit the Specialty Store Services website at .

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