Giant Store Display and Supply Warehouse Sale

We are having our first warehouse sale here in Chicago. We are actually in Des Plaines which is located near O’Hare Airport. We need to make room in our warehouse for the 2009 products. We have all kinds of items at low prices and especially with the news the last couple of days, we all need to figure out how to save money.

But we, like retailers everywhere still need to generate sales and that always means spending money. Whether it is the new Specialty Store Services 2008 Winter catalog or a new impulse display or holiday sale signs for your front window, we need to spend money to nurture and create relationships with our customers.

The Warehouse sale is on the 10th and 11th of October from 10-4 both days.

UPDATE: 11/17/2008
The Warehouse Sale was a big success. Thank you to everyone who came. It was such a success we are planning another one in the coming year.