New Store Security Mini Catalog

The new Store Security mini catalog is now being sent out with every order. In it there is Specialty Store Services complete line of do-it-yourself security systems and security cameras. Our systems are easy to install and set up. We have also included our line of safes, cash counters and our ever popular cash drop boxes. If you would like to receive one of our new Store Security mini catalogs please call us and we will send one out to you.

In the meantime you can click here to browse Specialty Store Services complete line of store security items on their website.

Article Picked Up By Another Site

One of the articles I wrote has been picked up and published by another website. The site is, “The World of Sales from A to Z”. Click here to see my article. The title of the article is “Leveraging Employees to Increase Retail Store Sales”. This article is about how the retail store owner can increase the productivity of their employees by using simple techniques that increase and improve their comfort, reliability and time management skills.

Getting Customers to Come Back.

How do you get customers to come back to your store? That is a question that even the big retailers and even Specialty Store Services encouters all the time. Is it service? Is it the price of the product? Is it the product line itself? You can get the customers into you store with a sale but eventually the sale ends right? We have been kicking the idea around here these last couple of days and trying to figure it all out. But in the end we have not come up with any answers. Anyone have any ideas?

Retailer’s Roundtable #1 Transcript

Editorial Comments: This is the transcript of an online video we produced this last week. We will be producing more over the next couple of months and hope to make it a regular feature on our website. Click here for a link to the video.

Welcome to “Retailers’ Roundtable”, I am your host Eric and this is Q and we’ll be your guides though the exciting, but often daunting experience of running your own store or business.

In this issue of “Retailers’ Roundtable” we will focus on the challenges of opening up a new store. Over the last couple of weeks we have received e-mailed questions from some of our customers.

First question is from Jim K. from Winter Park, Fl. Jim asks, “I have always wanted to open up my own store. Last week I passed by a vacant building that I think would be the perfect spot. What advice would you give me before I take the plunge?

  • Consider the type of business. Make sure that there is a demand.
  • Consider the size of the space. Too big or too small could hurt.
  • Consider the amount of traffic either foot or vehicle.

Next question is from Denise B. from Hillside, MI. Denise asks: “What can I do to make my store look nice and make people want to shop there?

  • Shopping is an experience for the senses. With that in mind you should make sure your store is well lit, clean, and organized.
  • Lighting is important because you can use it to highlight products.
  • A well-organized store makes it easier for your customers to find what they are looking for.
  • Retail store signs are important too and they have a dual purpose: they add color and at the same time help the customer by calling out the product or alerting them to special offers.

The next question is from Charles from Tulsa, OK. “After I finally open my store how should I advertise? Especially since I will be low on cash.”

  • Banners and signs again are a great way to communicate to your customer. Let them know you are open with a “Grand Opening” banner. You might even want to have a grand opening celebration and invite your friends and family.
  • Get involved in your community.
  • Word of mouth and recommendations are worth more that any newspaper advertising you could buy.
  • Your local Chamber of Commerce
  • The Internet is a great source of ideas. Go to for more ideas

The next question is from Carlos from Atlanta, GA. Carlos asks, “Around here shoplifting and theft is a problem. What can I do to help defend myself against it?”

That concludes this edition of “Retailers’ Roundtable”. Remember Specialty Store Services for all your retail store supply and display items. We have been partnering with business owners just like you for the last 20 years to help them grow their buinesses. Specialty Store Services, Service is in our Name.